Жінка + Чоловік, 19 років, Близнюки.

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Colombia, Medellin
Зростання (сантиметр)160
Вага (кілограм)54
Розмір грудейСередній
Розмір дупиСередній
Колір волоссяБрюнетка
Колір очейКарі

Про мене

Hi Horny! Our names are KEIHSY (girl) and BRYAM(man). We are very happy to share with you our feelings, emotions and, of course, sex. We're just getting started, don't judge us too harshly. We will tell you a little about us. We are a fun couple, we


Hi Horny! Our names are KEIHSY (girl) and BRYAM(man). We are very happy to share with you our feelings, emotions and, of course, sex. We're just getting started, don't judge us too harshly. We will tell you a little about us. We are a fun couple, we...

Hi Horny! Our names are KEIHSY (girl) and BRYAM(man). We are very happy to share with you our feelings, emotions and, of course, sex. We're just getting started, don't judge us too harshly. We will tell you a little about us. We are a fun couple, we en...