
Жінка, 20 років, Рак.

Вона зараз не в мережі. Востаннє була давно.
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Зростання (сантиметр)141
Вага (кілограм)45
Розмір грудейВеликий
Розмір дупиВеликий
Колір волоссяБрюнетка
Колір очейКарі

Про мене

Hi, I'm Sofia, better known as Maye. I love that you've taken the time to read me. To begin with, I want to tell you that I'm from Colombia. I love my job, being online and connecting with each of you is something that I am passionate about and


Hi, I'm Sofia, better known as Maye. I love that you've taken the time to read me. To begin with, I want to tell you that I'm from Colombia. I love my job, being online and connecting with each of you is something that I am passionate about and...

Hi, I'm Sofia, better known as Maye. I love that you've taken the time to read me. To begin with, I want to tell you that I'm from Colombia. I love my job, being online and connecting with each of you is something that I am passionate about and ...