
Жінка / 22 роки / Стрілець

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Етнічна приналежністьЛатинська
Розмір дупиМаленький
Колір волоссяБрюнетка
Очний колірКарі

Про мене

HI EVERYONE I am Dannya, a Colombian girl with a Sagittarius sign, I am 20 years old. I love reading, writing, drawing and french fries. I consider myself a charismatic, outgoing and calm girl. I tell you my dreams to finish my career, to know Europe and

Більше ...

HI EVERYONE I am Abbie, a Colombian girl with a Sagittarius sign, I am 20 years old. I love reading, writing, drawing and french fries. I consider myself a charismatic, outgoing and calm girl. I tell you my dreams to finish my career, to know Europe and

HI EVERYONE I am Dannya, a Colombian girl with a Sagittarius sign, I am 20 years old. I love reading, writing, drawing and french fries. I consider myself a charismatic, outgoing and calm girl. I tell you my dreams to finish my career, to know Europe and

Мені подобається

a good talk, and good sense

Мені не подобається

Don't beg me to show you something - it turns me off and get angry!

Що ви можете побачити у моєму відео