
Жінка / 20 років / Овен

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Етнічна приналежністьЛатинська
Розмір дупиСередній
Колір волоссяБрюнетка
Очний колірКарі

Про мене

Hello to all welcome. I am Clara I am a 18 -year -old Colombian girl. I love to walk, go to the gym and study, I also love to eat hamburgers. I consider myself as an outgoing, cheerful and tender girl. My dreams is to culminate my career, travel, have my

Більше ...

Hello to all welcome. I am Clara I am a 18 -year -old Colombian girl. I love to walk, go to the gym and study, I also love to eat hamburgers. I consider myself as an outgoing, cheerful and tender girl. My dreams is to culminate my career...

Hello to all welcome. I am Clara I am a 18 -year -old Colombian girl. I love to walk, go to the gym and study, I also love to eat hamburgers. I consider myself as an outgoing, cheerful and tender girl. My dreams is to culminate my career,

Hello to all welcome. I am Clara I am a 18 -year -old Colombian girl. I love to walk, go to the gym and study, I also love to eat hamburgers. I consider myself as an outgoing, cheerful and tender girl. My dreams is to culminate my career, travel, have my

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