
Жінка / 20 років / Телець

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НазваTheajoy (theajoy)
Етнічна приналежністьЄвропейська
Розмір дупиСередній
Колір волоссяБлонд
Очний колірКарі

Про мене

Hi! My name is Thea. I am an extremely passionate and sensual person, full of mystery, desire and lots of fun. I love exploring my sexuality and chatting with nice people here. I am a very open and permissive person, who loves being in front of the webcam and going crazy with my body and my best show. I don't like negativity, I'm trying my best to smile and make your day a little better while you're in my room, so please play and look on the bright side. I believe that I'm different and that I will find a way to make it worth your while spending time with me, if you only let me. Your support and love makes my dreams come true, and for this I THANK YOU

Мені подобається

I get excited when one man know how to speak with me and respect me for what i am

Мені не подобається

I don't like when people get rude or frustrated

Що ви можете побачити у моєму відео